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State, county and Local police crack down on distracted driving in Michigan

State, county and Local police crack down on distracted driving in Michigan
State, county and Local police crack down on distracted driving in Michigan 02:06

(CBS DETROIT) - "People unfortunately are dying and being injured on our roadways," said Jim Santilli, CEO of the Transportation Information Association. 

Over the next two days, Santilli said state, county and local police will be conducting "Operation Ghost Rider," in which police ride in unmarked vehicles and look for distracted drivers. 

Santilli said there is a great need to crackdown on distracted driving. 

"Operations like this are so important, life depends on it, and again, this is all about saving lives and preventing injuries," Santilli said. 

Michigan State Police trooper Anthony Johnson sat in the passenger seat of a black SUV with Santilli as his driver. 

In less than an hour, dozens of drivers were spotted staring at their phones while behind the wheel. 

Once Johnson spots a distracted driver, he radios to a marked vehicle to pull the driver over. 

Currently, Operation Ghost Rider is focused on Metro Detroit; however, Santilli said he hopes the program eventually expands statewide. 

"We all need to remember that we have a personal responsibility and protect our lives but also the lives of the innocent people traveling around us," he said. 

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