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Spring Practice Primer: Michigan

Three Things To Watch For:

1. Denard's grasp of the offense. The first year of Al Borges and the Michigan offense trying to fit Denard Robinson into a pro-style system had its ups and downs. Robinson saw his passing touchdowns increase from 18 to 20, but he threw for 400 less yards, saw his completion percentage drop from 62% to 55%, and his interceptions rose from 11 to 15 despite the fact he threw 33 less passes in 2011 than 2010. While Robinson has never been what you can call an accurate passer, some of that drop off had to be due to learning an entirely new system. Now that he'll have a chance to spend an entire offseason becoming more familiar with it, we could see some major strides in Robinson's ability as a passer in 2012. Considering how successful Robinson has already been in the Big Ten, imagine what he could do in 2012 as he becomes more comfortable in Borges' offense.

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