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Company behind "Spirit of Detroit" jersey speaks on design project

Local company makes "Spirit of Detroit" jerseys
Local company makes "Spirit of Detroit" jerseys 01:59

(CBS DETROIT) - With all eyes on the Motor City as the Lions head into the postseason, everyone is enjoying the fun, including one of the city's iconic landmarks.

For more than a century, Detroit's Banner Sign Co. has created some of the city's most iconic signs and designs.

"Lee Jordan, who had the business for probably about 40 years, and he sold it to my father, and my father had it for about 20 years, and my wife and I purchased the built the business from my dad 35 years ago, and we modernized it," said co-owner Nicholas Piach.

Piach is nothing if not completely hands-on, working side by side with his team to design the impossible.

"You have to earn that kind of a reputation, and you have got to deliver all the time because people have short memories," said Piach.

In October, the Lions called and asked for a special jersey to match the Spirit of Detroit statue.

"You know, you have to respond to it rapidly, like when they won the game at 11 at night, and at six o'clock in the morning, Prop Art was there installing the jersey," said Piach.

Piach says the designs may have started out small, but they have already made a big impact.

"I look at all these pro teams, and they come to the same place, and it's just affirmation that that that we're running the business in a way that people expect it, and we do not let anybody down, not yet. So that would and hope it continues that way for another 100 years," said Piach.

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