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Screening For Poverty: An Indicator Of Health For Children

DETROIT (WWJ) - One in five children under the age of 18 lives in poverty in the US.

Now the American Academy of Pediatrics has issued a new recommendation urging its doctors to screen for poverty.

Do you have difficulty making ends meet at the end of the month?"
Are you able to pay the electric bill? Can you put food on the table?

These are some of the questions pediatricians are being encouraged to ask parents during routine check-ups reports WWJ's Health Reporter Dr. Deanna Lites.

Dr. Benard Dreyer, president of the American Academy of Pediatrics talks about some of the effects of poverty on children:

"We know that poverty impacts children's health, their brain development, especially in early childhood, school, its success or failure and has lifelong impact," says Dreyer.

The Academy says by having pediatricians ask these questions as part of a check-up they'll be able to identify and help families get the support services they need.

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