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Schwartz Tries To Put Post-Game Antics Behind Him

--In the aftermath of his post-game dust-up with 49ers head coach Jim Harbaugh, Schwartz was contrite but not apologetic. "It is unfortunate that the events after the game overshadowed the fact that it was probably one of the best football games of the day yesterday between two teams that are 5-1 in the NFC; two young and improving teams," he said. "The game is played by players on the field. We don't want things like that to occur but there are competitive people in this league. We need to do a better job of leaving it to the players on the field." Asked directly if he wanted to offer a public apology, Schwartz said only, "It's a regrettable situation, particularly the fact that it detracted from what happened in the game." Schwartz spoke to league officials on Monday and gave his version of the story. Harbaugh did the same. The league could rule on any fines or other disciplinary action as early as Wednesday.

--The players completely had their coach's back on this one. "He's passionate about the game. I will say that, and I like that about him," wide receiver Nate Burleson said. "We're an emotional team. We go as our head coach goes. I think how we've been playing is a direct reflection of Jim and that's been pretty good for us so far."

--Schwartz was pretty blunt on his assessment of quarterback matthew Stafford's performance Sunday. "Not one of Matt's better games, for sure," he said. He said the receivers needed to do a better job of getting open and the protection could have been a lot better, but there were plays to be made that weren't. "There were times that he had to bail away and make throws," Schwartz said. "That's going to happen. It doesn't mean you can't still make plays. But there were also times he didn't need to bail away, where he needed to step up into the pocket and make some throws."

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