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Schwartz Not Pleased With Players In Trouble

The Lions kept their troubled members of the 2011 draft class sequestered from the media this week. Not only were they not made available after the one "open" organized team activity on Tuesday, but defensive tackle Nick Fairley, who was arrested early Sunday morning on a DUI charge in Mobile, Ala., and receiver Titus Young were escorted off the practice field by team security personnel.

To recap the events of a draft class gone wild: offensive tackle Johnny Culbreath was arrested on a marijuana charge in January. Running back Mikel Leshoure was busted twice in less than a month for marijuana possession in late February and early March. Fairley was also busted twice in two months - for marijuana possession and then the DUI. Young did not participate in the first week of OTAs after sucker-punching teammate Louis Delmas during a workout.

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