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Say Goodbye to Schwartz and Mayhew

By Jeff Riger:

It was addressed early at Monday's press conference as Lions head coach Jim Schwartz stood at the podium for the last time this season answering questions about his future.

"Were you told that you will be back for the 2013 season?"

One reporter asked. Schwartz chose not to comment.

"Have you met with the Ford family yet?"

Another reporter inquired. Schwartz admitted that he had but "everything was business as usual."

For now it seems like the 4th year head man is safe. But should he be?

Fans want Schwartz gone and I understand why. He could not stop a losing skid, he continued to say impressive things about underperforming players and coaches and he cost the Lions a game on Thanksgiving by throwing a challenge flag when he was not allowed to. Fans have every right to demand a new head coach and I'm with them.

Being in sports radio, the one thing that you always hear 1 million times a season is that ownership doesn't care. I disagree! I believe the Ford's care however they just don't know how to win. One longtime media member put it best saying "he's a great owner but a lousy manager." For far too long the owner has been way too loyal. Sure coaches have been fired after 3 seasons but general managers have been allowed to stick around after losing game after game and season after season.

It's time to send a message. Fire Schwartz and GM Martin Mayhew. Start fresh!

As much as Schwartz is to blame for the way the season has gone, Mayhew is to blame for the lack of talent that this team all of a sudden has. Both guys have failed miserably in 2012 and personally I have seen enough. What's it going to take? How many players need to be arrested or kicked off the team while players drafted after them succeed in the league? How many awful records need to be set?

The Lions have not beat a division opponent all season long!

The Lions are 9-18 after the 5-0 start last season.

The Lions are 22-42 in the Jim Schwartz/ Martin Mayhew era. They are 22-43 if you add the playoff loss.

How many of these absurd numbers do I need to throw out for people to realize that a change is needed right now?

After making the playoffs last year, I was convinced that there was nothing Schwartz, Mayhew or anybody else could do to get fired in 2012. Well I was wrong. They went 4-12, they lost their last 8 games , they showed no signs of life other than Calvin Johnson breaking Jerry Rice's single season yardage record. Enough is enough!

Fans will ask how can you fire a couple of guys that led you back to the playoffs? I can answer by saying everything that was gained in 2011 was destroyed plus more in 2012.

People will point out teams that succeed have consistency and don't fire people every two to three years. I would agree, however those teams have the right people in place, this team clearly does not.

I'm not telling you anything that you don't already know. This team is an embarrassment and it's time that something is done about it.

The Ford's always get ripped for not wanting to win. I already told you I disagree with that however now they have the chance to tell you themselves. Fire Schwartz and Mayhew! Surprise everybody! Give the fans what they want! The time has passed when blaming Matt Millen is a good enough buyer of time. Start over, and maybe this time they get the right people to turn this organization around.

I would offer one suggestion however...

Do a nationwide search.

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