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Residents Rush Livonia City Hall For Flood Forum

LIVONIA (WWJ) - Standing room only with a line out the door. That was the scene at Livonia City Hall last night, as frustrated residents blamed the city for the flooding of hundreds of homes during last week's big rains.

WWJ's Stephanie Davis said hundreds of angry residents attended the informal forum to hold city officials responsible for what they believe was the fault of a damaged sewer system.

Mayor Jack Kirksey said it was not the sewer system but the vast amount of rain that fell onto already saturated ground that is to blame for the vast number of flooding complaints.

Julie Smith has lived in her home near Schoolcraft and Merriman for 45 years. Her basement took in almost eight inches of water.

"We hired a fireman to take care of it. We're seniors and we can't do it ourselves," Smith said.

Smith's insurance covered her $2,100 bill for the damages. Mike Keshal, however, wasn't so lucky. His insurance would not cover the nearly $3,000 in damages to his home on the north side of Schoolcraft and Merriman. He believes the city should be held responsible.

"We have a problem right now anyway. Anytime it rains hard, our street floods in two different sections, right over by our house,"Keshal said.

Michael Foust, who lives near Five Mile and Newburgh, said it doesn't matter what the city has to say, he still believes they are to blame.

"They can tell me what they want but it looks like the sewer had the problem, because all the houses on my side of the street flooded about two feet," Foust said.

Foust says water flowed into his basement for 33 hours.

Other residents in attendance demanded the city pay for repairs.

Kirksey said all the affected residents have been given complaint forms to fill out and will be investigated on a case-by-case basis.

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