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Plex White Paper Talks Food Processor Traceability

Auburn Hills-based Plex Systems Inc. announced the availability of a new white paper that outlines how a complete food safety management system helps food processors meet mandates for audit response times. 

The report is titled "Food Safety Management Systems Enable Quick Response to Audits," and is available at the Plex Systems Resource Center.
The new Food Safety Modernization Act requires that all food and beverage processors establish and follow comprehensive safety and traceability programs. This new white paper outlines how processors that introduce a food safety management system, such as Plex Online,   achieve compliance with this new law while also introducing traceability best practices and productivity improvements.
"Our newest paper provides valuable information that can help food processors comply with the latest safety mandates while also adding efficiency to their operations," said Brian Gillespie, director, Plex Systems Diversified Industries Group. "Having a system that helps them respond quickly to audits and recalls not only improves productivity, it saves costs and -- potentially -- lives."
Plex Systems is the developer of Plex Online, an enterprise resource planning software system developed online as a service for the manufacturing enterprise.

Plex Online offers industry-leading features for virtually every department within a manufacturer, including manufacturing execution systems and quality management systems for the shop floor, supply chain management for procurement, and enterprise resource planning for finance and management. Plex Online's comprehensive functional coverage delivers a "shop floor to top floor" view of a manufacturer's operations, enabling management to run its business at maximum efficiency.

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