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Plane Crashes Near Fowlerville

A 64-year-old man was critically injured when the experimental plane he was piloting went down near Fowlerville Monday afternoon.

The aircraft, which is a biplane, lost power coming out of a so called "touch and go" maneuver, crashed into a wooded area, and just missed hitting a house.

Livingston County Sheriff Bob Bezotte says the pilot was experienced.

"Witnesses said that he had over 15 years of experience. But he's been flying planes, I'm not sure about his time in this particular plane, but he's been a pilot for quite a long time," said Bezotte.

Bezotte says the pilot was practicing landings at the Maple Grove airport.

The man was taken to the U of M Hospital in Ann Arbor by a survival flight chopper.

The F.A.A. will be looking into the cause of the crash.

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