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Piston's Automotion Auditions


My latest adventure takes me to the Pistons dance team Automotion's final audition.  My role was one of the four celebrity judges. 

It was such a great honor!  Our group including Meltdown from WRIF, former Pistons Rick Mahorn and James "Buddha" Edwards.  

I was the only woman.  I had make sure I kept the guys in line, which wasn't hard to do since they were all gentlemen and so much fun to be around!

The event took place Thursday night at the Crofoot Ballroom in Pontiac.  That was my first time at the venue.  It was definitely an entertaining show.  

All the women danced their hearts out to Nikki Minaj's song, "Super Bass."  They all wore the same outfit and so they needed to rely on their skills to stand out, not their looks because they ALL looked gorgeous.

The audition process took all week.  Tryouts for Automotion began Monday at The Palace.  The dancers had to survive a few cuts to make it to the final event.

As a judge, I was looking for the "wow" factor. 

All of the girls were beautiful and clearly had the dance skills needed to be on the team. 

So what made them unique?  That is the question I asked myself during the auditions. 

The dancers who had a genuine smile on their face throughout the entire routine got high marks in my book. 

Energy is key, as well engaging the audience.  It was hard to pick favorites because they all belonged on the team!

For the girls who didn't make it, this isn't the end all - be all.  Work even harder next year and don't be discouraged!

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