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Pat Caputo: You've Got To Love Twitter, But It Doesn't Always Love Athletes

Twitter is a great invention. For a member of the media, it's a terrific outlet to have conversations with readers or listeners. I truly enjoy that aspect of Twitter.

It's short, sweet and to the point. It's a great place to post links., and retweet profound or humorous comments.

Following the news cycle is incredibly fast and simple on Twitter. And access is easy and non-stop.

There are some gnarly aspects to Twitter. You have cyber bullies, hackers, Twitter stalkers. It's not a perfect medium. Nothing ever is - or will be.
Like many other aspects of the digital world, it has some annoyances, but they are far outweighed by the good.

One of the glitches is a downside for athletes. For the most part they prosper on Twitter - it's the perfect place to get their point across and connect directly with fans. No need to answer questions they don't want to. No person contact, but direct contact regardless.

Click HERE for the complete blog by Pat Caputo

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