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Pat Caputo: Michigan's Denard Robinson? Michigan State's Kirk Cousins? Which QB Is Better? You Pick

Denard Robinson and Kirk Cousins are polar opposites.

Robinson is extraordinarily fast, once running the 100-meter dash in 10.3 seconds. He is as speedy as any quarterback in nation — perhaps of all time. It's not that Robinson doesn't have a strong arm — he does. Yet, he does his best work outside the pocket. His skills are those suited for the classic "spread option" offense. Rich Rodriguez didn't do much right when he was at Michigan, but he did find the perfect quarterback for his system in Robinson.

Mobility is not a strength for Cousins. He is strictly a drop back passer, but very comfortable in the pocket. He goes through the progression of his reads exceptionally well and makes swift and correct decisions with the ball. He is an accurate passer with a quick release.

But which quarterback is more effective? for more

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