Orioles Ball Girl Snags Fair Ball [VIDEO]
By: Evan Jankens
What little kid didn't want to be a ball boy/girl for a baseball team? One step better than being a ball boy/girl is being able to be the ball boy/girl who is sitting down the first or third baselines.
Most major league teams use adults for this position, but the Baltimore Orioles have employed a young lady. Let's just say she may not understand all the rules of baseball.
In a game against the Toronto Blue Jays over this past weekend, a ball was ripped down the third baseline and was ruled fair -- until this young lady made a spectacular play while the ball was in play.
The poor girl had no idea it was fair and seemed to be more concerned with making the nice play in the field.
I have to give the young lady a ton of credit because I know there is no way I would have been able to make that play.