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Offensive Images Removed From Student Memorial Page

Facebook has apparently removed some "disgusting" images that were posted on a memorial page to a Huron High School student who committed suicide.

Officials at Huron High were alerted to these inappropriate images through emails. That's according to principal Donovan Rowe, who told WWJ's Beth Fisher he does not believe the images were put up by students.

Rowe said the school's liaison officer notified Facebook about the situation and that some of the content has now been removed from page dedicated to the memory of Samantha Kelly, who hanged herself earlier this month.

The 14-year-old was reportedly bullied after she filed a rape charge against another student, 18-year-old Joseph Tarnopolski.

Sarah Stonebreaker, a supported who was part of a crowd at a memorial last week, said she was' horrified by online comments that have been critical of the teen.

"Someone started posting horrible pictures… people were just saying  'she gets what she deserves' — all these horrible things like that. It's like, you know, exactly — if you don't have anything nice to say than shut up and don't say it at all," Stonebreaker said.

Principal Rowe says the offensive images on the memorial  page were not of Samantha.  He said they are trying to help kids in school return to a sense of normalcy.

The  school's liaison officer also told Facebook about a hatred page about Tarnopolski, and asked that it be shut down.

 (Copyright 2010 WWJ Radio.  All Rights Reserved.)

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