No Bail, New Allegations In Case Of Gymnastics Doc Accused Of Sex Assault And Child Porn Crimes
GRAND RAPIDS (WWJ/AP) - A Michigan doctor who worked for USA Gymnastics will remain jailed on child pornography charges after an FBI agent said at least 37,000 images and videos were discovered.
Federal Magistrate Ray Kent says Larry Nassar is the "worst" kind of danger. Nassar's lawyer had requested electronic monitoring at home.
FBI agent Rod Charles testified Wednesday about the evidence at Nassar's home in Holt.
Nassar, who was indicted last week, faces at least four lawsuits alleging he assaulted female athletes while they were undergoing treatments.
The latest was filed Wednesday in Los Angeles by former Michigan State University softball player Tiffany Thomas Lopez.
She claims she told her trainers that Nasser went too far when she was referred to him for a back injury — but was told that the doctor's touching of her genitals was appropriate.
She's now joined 15 people filing an "intent to file claims against Nassar and MSU.
During the course of Nassar's treatments, Nassar allegedly inserted "his bare, ungloved and unlubricated hand into her vagina," the complaint alleges. When Tiffany reported Nassar's disturbing "treatments" to the MSU training staff she was allegedly told that Nassar was a world renowned doctor and that his "inter‐vaginal adjustments" were legitimate medical treatments.
"Tiffany's complaint directly contradicts statements by Michigan State University that they fired Dr. Nassar in 2015 immediately upon hearing student concerns about his abusive and harassing conduct," said Lopez's attorney John Manly, in a media release.
"Tiffany reported Nassar's sexual assaults to no less than three Michigan State University trainers as early as 2000. Her complaints were ignored, she was shamed and Dr. Nassar allegedly continued to molest girls and women for another 15 years at MSU and as a team doctor for USA Gymnastics."
[View a copy of the complaint]
MSU spokesman Jason Cody said he was notified of the suit by a reporter Tuesday night.
"While we have not yet been served with the lawsuit, we therefore are unable to comment on pending litigation," he told WWJ's Sandra McNeill. "But I can tell you that we take all allegations of sexual abuse very seriously, and our police have been the lead investigative agency in the Nassar case."
Cody said the university is now investigating around 50 complaints against Nasser.
Separately, Nassar is charged with sexually assaulting a girl at his home between 1998 and 2005.
WWJ and the Associated Press generally do not name potential sex assault victims, but Lopez has spoken publicly.
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