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Muslim Man Sues Little Caesars For $100M Over Pork Pepperoni

DEARBORN (WWJ) - A Muslim man from Dearborn is suing Little Caesars for $100 million claiming he was served pepperoni made with pork, which is a food prohibited by Islamic law.

Mohamad Bazzi says he ordered halal pizza twice from a pizza shop on Schaefer in Dearborn. He claims the boxes were labeled "halal," but the pizzas inside were topped with regular pepperoni.

According to the lawsuit, Bazzi ate the pepperoni without realizing it was pork. The suit includes a copy of a complaint filed with the Dearborn Police Department following the alleged incident.

Halal is the Muslim equivalent of Judaism's kosher, and requires that meat be prepared according to Islamic guidelines, such as reciting a prayer while the animal is killed. Halal pepperoni is typically made with beef.

Attorney Majed Moughni filed the suit on behalf of Bazzi and other customers whom he says were similarly misled by the business that caters to a large number of Muslim customers by offering "Halal Pepperoni."

The lawsuit reads, in part:

"Plaintiff, a devote Muslim, brings this class action lawsuit after Defendants LITTLE CAESAR PIZZA, LITTLE CAESAR ENTERPIRESES, INC, DENISE, manager, and other JOHN DOE and JANE DOE, employees sold Pork pepperoni when Plaintiff ordered Halal Pepperoni, a strict violation of Michigan state Law (MCL 750.297f), Wayne County Ordinance, the Wayne County Halal and Kosher Anti-Fraud and Truth-In-Labeling Ordinance (Chapter 159-1), but, most importantly, the Islamic Law that prohibits Muslims from eating Pork! Plaintiff bring this action as the public has a right to know about this fraud that is being perpetrated in the Dearborn, Michigan, the community with the highest concentrations of Muslims in North America."

[View a copy of the lawsuit]

Little Caesars has not yet commented on the lawsuit.

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