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Mother, Daughter Hit By Car In Highland Park

HIGHLAND PARK (WWJ) - A mother and daughter were crossing the street in Highland Park when they were hit by a car and injured Friday morning.

The accident happened on Manchester Street near Second Avenue, a few blocks west of Woodward, shortly before 8 a.m.

Bryan, a cab driver in the area, told WWJ's Mike Campbell that he was about to pick up some children to take them to school when he witnessed the accident.

"The BMW here came around the corner pretty fast, it was a little dark in Highland Park because the lights is out, so he barely could see and he hit the little girl and she went across the hood, hit them pretty bad. That's why you see my cab right there, I'm in park because I seen it happen and I just couldn't believe it," he said.

The girl's pink backpack and umbrella sat in the street as she and her mother were strapped to back braces and loaded into an ambulance. The extent of their injuries was not immediately clear. Their identities were not released.

A man was handcuffed and put in the back of a Highland Park police cruiser, although it wasn't clear if he had anything to do with the accident. A BMW 7-series car was put on a flat-bed and towed away.

An investigation is ongoing.

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