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Most Mich. Regional Jobless Rates Increase In July

LANSING (AP) - The state says seasonally unadjusted unemployment rates increased in most regions of Michigan in July.

The figures released Thursday by the Department of Technology, Management and Budget show jobless rates increased in 14 of the state's 17 major regional labor markets compared to June.

Statewide, the unadjusted jobless rate in July was 11.9 percent compared to 11 percent in June.

Rates ranged from a low of 7.8 percent in the Ann Arbor region to a high of 14.1 percent in the Detroit region.

The state says the seasonal jobless rate increases were less than normal for July. Temporary summer layoffs in the auto industry were fewer than typical.

Seasonally unadjusted payroll jobs in Michigan fell by 1.9 percent in July.

Copyright 2011 by The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved.

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