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Mitt Romney Swings Back To Michigan

LANSING – Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney is swinging back to Michigan in an effort to undermine opponent Rick Santorum in the polls. The latest numbers show the two are in a near dead heat statistically -- so they're both spending lots of time in Michigan before its February 28 primary.

Romney will address a ballroom of well over 1,000 grassroots activists at the Michigan Prosperity Forum in Troy on  Saturday, Feb. 25th.

Romney joins this line-up of speakers: Herman Cain, Michelle Malkin, Andrew Breitbart, and Frank Beckmann, among others. President Barack Obama and presidential candidates Newt Gingrich, Ron Paul and Rick Santorum have also been invited to speak at the event.

"Because this event takes place just three days before Michigan's primary election, this is a perfect time to ensure our issues have a prominent place within the national dialogue in this year's elections," said Scott Hagerstrom, Americans for Prosperity-Michigan state director. "We hope all the presidential candidates accept this opportunity to discuss public policy issues affecting the average citizen's pocketbook."

The Saturday morning general session will be followed by a complimentary boxed lunch and book-signings with Michelle Malkin and Andrew Breitbart. Attendees will then participate in panel discussions and grassroots training sessions aimed at helping them make a difference for economic freedom and limited government.

The Michigan Prosperity Forum will be held at the San Marino Club, 1685 E. Big Beaver Road, in Troy, Michigan from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Parking is free. 

Other speakers confirmed for the Michigan Prosperity Forum include:

  • Ann McElhinney, director of "Not Evil Just Wrong" and "Mine Your Own Business"
  • Dr. Gary Wolfram, Hillsdale College professor of economics and public policy
  • Tim Phillips, Americans for Prosperity president
  • F. Vincent Vernuccio, labor policy expert and editor of
  • Matthew Vadum, author of "Subversion, Inc: How Obama's ACORN Red Shirts are Still Terrorizing and Ripping Off Taxpayers"
  • Scott Hagerstrom, Americans for Prosperity-Michigan state director

According to Hagerstrom, a team of local, state and national experts will lead panel discussions such as "How to Appeal Your Property Taxes, Right to Work: Is Michigan Next?" and "The Dangerous Green Agenda." A legislative panel will focus on reforming the state's no-fault auto insurance statute, education reform, and Gov. Snyder's proposed Detroit-Canada bridge. An on-site citizen action center will empower people to make a difference for limited government principles during the event.

For an up-to-date list of confirmed speakers, or to register, visit or call toll-free 1-855-435-5109.

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