Michigan Robotics Day Promotes Michigan As Industry Hub
ANN ARBOR -- The National Center for Manufacturing Sciences (NCMS), in partnership with the University of Michigan, will host the Second Annual Michigan Robotics Day on Monday, April 9.
This event is open to anyone who wants to learn about the advances made by Michigan's robotics technology sector with a strong emphasis on companies who would like to do business in Michigan. The event also highlights Michigan's science, technology, engineering, and mathematics community and its research universities.
"Michigan is positioned to lead the world in robotics innovation," said NCMS president and CEO Rick Jarman. "Consider the massive talent and infrastructure that already exists here in the state. Design and deployment of robotics technology will ultimately depend on advanced manufacturing -- exactly the kind of capability in which Michigan companies excel."
The daylong event at the University of Michigan's North Campus Research Complex will highlight the promise of robotics in Michigan, and confirm the field as an economic development engine for the state. The highlight of the event will be a keynote by Lawrence Burns, a noted expert on next generation vehicle technology, including autonomous vehicles, transportation energy, and connected vehicles. Burns is working with Google's autonomous vehicle project and formerly served as vice president of research and development for General Motors.
The day will include demonstrations of autonomous vehicles from leading automakers, robots from many state research institutions, and FIRST high school robotics teams demonstrating the next generation's commitment to the technology. Student teams will have the chance to meet leaders in the robotics world, garner feedback for their work, and begin networking within the industry.
"Robotics represents a cradle-to-career opportunity for Michigan students," said Phil Callihan, executive director at NCMS. "They can start in high school, competing with FIRST robotics teams, do cutting edge research at our universities, and then work at Michigan companies who are global leaders in their field. This is an opportunity for long-term job growth, innovation, and success."
The event begins at 9 a.m. Attendance is free and the public is welcome, with lunch provided for those who register by April 2.
Registration, agenda and speaker bios for this event are available at www.mirobotics.org.