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Michigan Matters: Detroit Auto Show zooms into Motor City

Michigan Matters - Rod Alberts Promo 00:39

Southfield (CBS Detroit) - Finally, after a three year hiatus, the Detroit Auto Show is back with many new features which Rod Alberts, Executive Director of the Detroit Auto Dealers Association, talked about during taping of  CBS Detroit's "Michigan Matters." 

Rod Alberts, Executive Director of the Detroit Auto Dealers Association, with Michigan Matters Host Carol Cain CBS Detroit

Alberts oversees the organizations of local dealers which stages the annual show. He talked with Carol Cain , Senior Producer/Host, about the upcoming event which kicks off Wednesday with media day, followed by industry day on Thursday, then the gala Black Tie Charity Preview on Friday,  and the show open to the public next Saturday. 

Over 30 car brands will be on hand at  Huntington Place Center (previously TCF Center/Cobo Hall). And this year, there's much taking place outside the hall too with events and installations planned at Hart Plaza, Beacon Park and other locations and along the riverfront. 

Alberts talked about Niles Rodgers, and his group, CHIC, who will entertain Charity Preview attendees this Friday night. 

Maureen Donohue Krauss, President and CEO of the Detroit Regional Chamber; Glenn Stevens Jr., Executive Director of MICHauto; and Rod Alberts, Executive Director of the Detroit Auto Dealers Association; with Michigan Matters Host Carol Cain CBS Detroit

Then Maureen Donohue Krauss, president and CEO of the Detroit Regional Partnership and Glenn Stevens, Executive Director of MICHAuto, appear with Alberts and Cain to talk about the region as it gains traction in the mobility sector. 

Krauss, Stevens and others were involved with a regional coalition here  including the state and others  just won a $52.2 million advanced mobility grant from the U.S. Economic Development Administration's Build Back Better Regional Challenge. 


Krauss talked about that announcement, which she was part of. During it, she invited President Joe Biden , who participated via ZOOM, to attend this week's auto show, which he is planning to do. Cong. Debbie Dingell had also invited Biden a few weeks earlier.  Biden, a self-described "car guy" has been to the show several times before. 

The group also talked about the evolution of autos from gasoline-powered to electric and how it would be reflected in the upcoming show. 


The Detroit event will also be especially family friendly with exhibits revolving around dinosaurs, and a giant yellow duck (60-feet high) for kids of all ages to see. 

And they discussed the importance of the Detroit Auto Show to the region as it supports its bedrock industry. 


Watch Michigan Matters, Sunday at 8am on CBS Detroit

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