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Michigan Fans Meet On's Comment Section And Get Married

By: Evan Jankens

Love can be found on all types of social media. Back in the day, MySpace was the place to meet your love, then it was Facebook, then Twitter and now Tinder.

One source you wouldn't expect to meet the love of your life is on the comment section of But it happened.

Saturday, Kate and Brandon got married. In 2012 the couple met on as bleu_girl_04 and AAWolv on the Big Ten blog.

According to a transcript on this is how it went down:

bleu_girl_04: if I recall correctly Brandon was the only one who didn't accuse me of being a middle-aged man in a basement somewhere. so you know, that's a good first impression

AAWolv: all I remember is wondering why she had this weird obsession with Bo Pelini

bleu_girl_04: AHHH KING PELINI I miss him so much! He's just very yelly. It was mostly because of Faux Pelini who I was pretty sure was Real Pelini for a long time. actually, still not totally convinced they are different people. I actually have a big picture of Pelini above my desk at work. He looks mad. As he does.

Then the couple met in real life and not just through their keyboards.

bleu_girl_04: he called me for the first time on my birthday. and he did it right before he got to work so he would have a reason to hang up if it was terrible.

AAWolv: she's better looking than Lennay Kekua, and real, so it turned out pretty well. drove back Sunday at 7 pm, got home just in time to shower and go to work. not a good plan, but definitely worth it.

After they met the couple ended up getting married.

AAWolv: Kate wanted a fall wedding and I was a little nervous about asking if it could be a bye week because, like, I can't have weddings interrupting one of the 12 days I get to watch Michigan play, but I didn't think that attitude would go too smoothly. Luckily, she pointed out the bye week first thing.

bleu_girl_04: that was for my own sanity, there was a legitimate chance Brandon would have checked scores at the reception and we would have had to call the whole thing off.

Click HERE for the entire transcript.

Is this the oddest place you have heard of two people meeting and falling in love?

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