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Michael Moore Says Flint Crisis Would Have Been Solved ... Anywhere Else

NEW YORK (AP) — Michael Moore thinks Flint's water problem would be solved by now if the troubled city wasn't in Michigan.

The Oscar-winning documentary filmmaker expressed his frustration at the New York premiere for "Flint," a Lifetime movie about the water crisis. It stars Queen Latifah, Betsy Brandt and Marin Ireland as Flint residents who fought for justice after finding out their water supply was laden with lead. Moore isn't involved in the film but came out to support it because it's about his hometown.

Before the screening, Moore expressed disappointment with the ongoing water problem and spoke of the historical significance of his hometown.

"This country wouldn't have a middle class if it wasn't for Flint, Michigan. It's where the strikes began that formed the UAW (United Auto Workers), which formed the middle class. Our grandfathers and great-grandparents, you know, didn't have anything. And because of Flint, it allowed working people to earn a decent wage and have a life," Moore said.

He added: "The fact that this city would end up now at the beginning of the 21st Century being poisoned by the very system it helped to create, and a certain political party allowed this to happen, is just criminal."

The problems in Flint began in 2014 when the water source changed from Lake Huron to the Flint River. Because of insufficient treatment of the water coming from the river, residents were exposed to dangerously high levels of lead.

While the initial problem with water treatment was corrected, the issue of residual lead in the pipes continues to pose a risk.

"All the pipes have to be replaced. We know how to do that. This isn't rocket science. This is about bringing the Army Corp of Engineers into Flint. It's going to cost about a billion dollars. The entire city has to be ripped up, and not just the city pipes, but all the piping that goes into people's homes has been corroded by toxins," Moore said. "When that's done, we're gonna be drinking fresh water from Lake Huron again ... it will take a year or so to do this," Moore said.

However, the replacement of the pipes has yet to be completed.

"What's the holdup? What is the holdup?

"Flint" premieres on Lifetime on Saturday.

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