Matt's Favorites: A Find On Mars, Internet TV, Nuts With Nukes, Of Mice And (As It Turns Out Frequently Very Different) Men
SOUTHFIELD -- Hey, what news from the incredible world of high tech? Glad you asked -- here's what I found! is!
* Hey, don't you think you should sign up now for our next Thursdays Unwired @ Lawrence Technological University program at LTU Thursday, Feb. 28? We're covering the increasing prevalence of BYOD -- That's Bring Your Own Device -- at work For more information or to register, visit this link.
* Top chipmaker Intel Corp. plans to launch an Internet television service this year with live and on-demand content, entering a hotly competitive race as its core PC business erodes.
* Look what Curiosity found on Mars. Looks like a bicycle handle to me.
* And a poll finds most Americans are confident that humans will follow Curiosity to the Red Planet within 20 years. Sure hope so.
* And here's one reason we need to be living on more than one planet: crazy people with nukes.
* Speaking of threats of extinction level events, NASA is planning a 2016 unmanned mission to help gauge the threat from asteroids.
* A new paper finds the mouse model in many cases falls short as a model for the human body.
* A $10,000 luxury smartphone gets a horrible review.
* If your company compels you to use frustratingly outdated versions of Internet Explorer to run corporate apps, your suffering will continue for the foreseeable future, even if your morale improves.
* Yesterday, the bigwigs wanted your help naming newly discovered moons of Pluto. Today, you get to vote on your favorite pictures of giant atom smashers.
* BBC spy camera robot penguins infiltrate bird colonies.
* The brokerage firm T. Rowe Price joins the growing opposition to the Dell buyout.
* Here's the latest on what may have caused the 787 Dreamliner battery failure. Meanwhile, the UN is moving against batteries like the ones used in the Dreamliner.