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Man Given $52 Ticket For Leaving Car Unlocked

By: Evan Jankens

Usually when a person gets a ticket they don't believe they did anything wrong, or at least they won't admit it. Whether it's speeding or failure to use a blinker -- there is always an excuse.

A man from Quebec may have been given one of the more unique tickets you will ever hear of.

According to

An Ottawa man who forgot to lock his car says he feels like he's been robbed, even though his vehicle and its contents were never touched by thieves.

Police in Gatineau, Que. handed David Carriere a $52 ticket last Wednesday citing a bylaw requiring drivers to lock up after they park. The province's Highway Safety Code states, "No person may leave unattended a road vehicle that is in his custody without previously removing the ignition key and locking the doors."

I actually like this law and it removes the chances of someone taking off in your car while it's running.

"I thought I was seeing someone robbing cars or something like that," he told CTV Montreal on Tuesday. "As he got closer, it became apparent that he was wearing some kind of uniform. So then I took him to be a security guard. Maybe he was patrolling the parking lot to make sure the patrons of the parking lot are using the services of the shops."

For the year there have been 467 tickets written for 2017 in Quebec.

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