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Man Dominates 'Wheel Of Fortune' Like You've Never Seen Before [VIDEO]

By: Evan Jankens

Who hasn't watched an episode of 'Wheel of Fortune' and thought to themselves, "This is so easy, I would dominate at this show?"

I am one of those people who thinks they would do so great at the famed game show.

Then came a guy by the name of Robert who really did dominate the show.

Robert managed to nail the puzzles, he got "port and starboard" with only the D showing. Seriously who the heck would know that? Then he got "Oh what a night" with only Oh and a T showing.

You can tell that host Pat Sajak starts to realize that Robert is the real deal and is going to answer every single puzzle. The other two contestants had to be so annoyed by Robert. After watching he does become a little annoying.

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