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Magical Dancing Light Display Set To Holiday Music In Auburn Hills

AUBURN HILLS (WWJ) - With a cast of thousands in the holiday display -- the home on Paramount Lane is a spectacle that attracts people from miles around to see and hear the light show.

Emergency dispatcher Brent Waldrep puts up tens of thousands of lights on his Auburn Hills home and programs them to over a dozen holiday songs.

The trees, the house - even the fence of the home are dressed with lights.

"At this point - it's too many to count ... I didn't really keep track - it's tens of thousands," says Waldrep.

He programs the lights to flash, blink and flicker in time to a variety of music.

For Waldrep it's a labor of love that goes back to his childhood - when he'd help his dad decorate the house for Christmas.

"It takes me about eight hours sitting in front of a computer to program one minute of music."

The 911 dispatcher says he loves to create it and the display draws thousands with a flood of traffic.

"Usually Tuesday through Thursday is the slowest time traffic wise - when you can come up and pretty much get right next to the house," he says. On weekends he needs volunteers to help direct traffic around the street.

Waldrep says he begins putting up lights around Halloween and works a steady month to get them in place. "I don't really keep track of the hours but I would say if you were to work nonstop it would be about seven or eight days of nonstop work to do it."

Waldrep takes donations for Make-A-Wish foundation.

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