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Local Business Owner Against Repealing Health Care

It's almost certain to be blocked in the Senate, but House Republicans say their vote later today to repeal the health care overhaul is not merely symbolic.

House Republicans say not to underestimate their determination or their willingness to use parliamentary maneuvers to deny the Obama administration funds needed to carry out the law.

Opponents of the law say it's a job killer by forcing employers to insure their workers. But Mark Hodesh, a small business owner in Ann Arbor says that's not true. He tells WWJ Newsradio 950 that the 30-percent rebate he gets from the law has been a job creator.

"We're able to keep employees and, in fact ... knowing that we were gonna get this tax credit - which in our business amounted to about $15,000 - gave me the confidence to hire a new person this spring; a new job," Hodesh said.

Hodesh owns "Downtown Home and Garden" in Ann Arbor. He says he believes repealing the law would be a "disaster" for small businesses.

Copyright, 2011. WWJ Newsradio 950/The Associated Press, All Rights Reserved.

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