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Lions Start Anew With Same Nucleus

It probably shouldn't come as any surprise the Lions are going to walk into 2012 with the same strengths and the same ultimately fatal weakness they had at the close of the 2011 season. After all, they returned 21 of 22 starters and made no major offseason acquisitions.

"Just because we have a nucleus of players doesn't mean the nucleus is stagnant," president Tom Lewand said. "The nucleus continues to develop. There's no question we have a lot of progress to make, but we have the raw materials to do that."

On offense, yes; but on defense, that's debatable.

Powered by the arm of quarterback Matthew Stafford and the hands and legs of a diverse group of receivers led by Pro Bowler Calvin Johnson, the offense should again be one of the most productive in the league. Even if they don't significantly improve the run game -- and with Jahvid Best out until at least Week 6 and Mikel Leshoure suspended for the first two games, the jury is still out -- the Lions can still light up a scoreboard.

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