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Lions Dodge The Bullet On Stafford Injury

Truth be told, it could have been a lot worse.

There was a point in the second quarter Saturday in Oakland, when quarterback Matthew Stafford and starting cornerbacks Chris Houston and Bill Bentley were either getting x-rayed or being tended to by the medical staff.

Running back Kevin Smith joined them in the examining room in the third quarter.

As it turned out, though, it appears total catastrophe was averted.

"Matt's going to be fine," coach Jim Schwartz said afterward. "X-rays were negative and it's his non-throwing hand."

Stafford's left hand was smacked by the facemask of Raiders defensive end David Tollefson. The hand swelled immediately.

"It feels OK, it's fine actually," Stafford said. "It was just scary to look down and see your hand swelling up by the second. But it's good now.

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