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Leyland Downplays Showdown With White Sox

There's a reason Tigers manager Jim Leyland downplays Detroit's "showdown series" with the first-place Chicago White Sox this weekend.

He should.

It's a three-game set and even if one team should sweep the other it will not seriously damage the chances of the other to finish first in the AL Central or be a threat to earn a Wild Card berth.

There will be hoopla, of course, as the top two teams in the division play a second-half series.

"It's July. So however it turns out, whether we do well or don't do well," Leyland reminds, "it's not going to be the end of the world. Hopefully the fans are going to be into it. That part's all good.

"We just have to continue to play good baseball, pitch well, and hit well. The rest will take care of itself."

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