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Khang's Blog: The Heatles Are In Town!

I will be covering the Pistons game tonight and apparently I won't be the only one there. The Pistons game is sold out. I repeat the Pistons game is sold out. The Pistons organization is even advising fans to show up early and is offering alternate routes to the Palace depending on where you are coming from. Is it because it's a Friday night and people are looking for something to do? Maybe it's because of the rumors that the Pistons are being sold and fans are rejuvenated? Oh wait, it's because the Miami Heat are in town...or should I say the "Heatles"? Lebron James, Dwyane Wade and Chris Bosh make their 1st appearance at the Palace this year on their 41 game road "tour". So when people say there aren't many basketball fans anymore I disagree. There might not be many Piston fans right now but apparently there are still fans of good basketball. So if the Pistons were to ever to become good again the fans will begin to show up again.

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