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Karsch And Anderson Top Ten 7-1-11

Ways to welcome Nebraska into the Big Ten...
10. To welcome nebraska we'll have a party but dont have tressell plan it. he wont know who to tell to invite!
9. Ohio state recomended the best car dealership and tatoo parlors in the midwest.
8. Ways to welcome Nebraska to the Big Ten: Northwestern sent em a nice fruit basket and card, but when the huskers read they said ''who?''
7. Ways to welcome nebraska to the big ten. . George foster congratulated them on a great first season Cory
Ways to welcome nebraska to the big ten. . Refer to their old coach as Ozzy osbourne Cory
6. FROM: Deuce... Ways to welcome Nebraska to the Big Ten: the SEC welcoming commitee got there faster than the Big Ten welcoming group.
5. Ways to welcome Nebraska? Former Nebraska running back Mike Rozier just became the Big Ten's best running back ever!
4. Ways to welcome the Cornhuskers: Sean Avery told the Big Ten to enjoy the Big 12's sloppy seconds. BP
3. Ways to welcome Nebraska to the Big Ten... Charles Rogers just said "high"
2. Rod Allen welcomed Nebraska to the big ten by saying"I see you Nebraska". derek in st clair shores
1. Joe Buck just said "welcome" to Nebraska as they joined the big ten. Nebraska fell asleep when he said "wel". Scott in berkley


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