Karsch And Anderson Top Ten 6-28-11
Signs the Pope is getting into social media...
10. The Pope's Twitter account name will be "BigGiantCross69". Stu from Warren
9. Signs the Pope is into social media? Even his cell phone has a bullet proof case. - Joe in Royal Oak
8. The pope responds to people in confessional by first saying "LMFAO" followed by his advice. PEZ Rochester
7. How do you know the pope is in to social media? He keeps interrupting mass to respond to tweets
6. Signs the Pope is using social media: in addition to making me say three Hail Mary's he also sent me to Farmville. - Jim in SCS
5. How do you know the pope is using social media after he texts you he includes if you dont forward this to ten of your friends Youll burn in hell. . . Mike
4. The Pope will be on Facebook and Twitter, but not MySpace because even he knows it sucks. (Mike in Woodhaven)
3. signs the Pope is into social networking... he has the facebook and twitter symbol on his big white hat..- Craig
2. signs the pope is into social networking... he's spending more time on facebook than reading the good book...Craig
1. What did the Pope tweet after using the restroom? Holy crap! Chuck ...