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Karsch And Anderson Top Ten 6-27-11

Why did the penguin swim from Anartica to New Zealand?
10. FROM: Deuce... Why the penguin left the Antarctic: its stalking the Stanley Cup dooby dooby doo
9. Guys...the penguin was tired of hearing about the chicken & the road...Mark in Dryden
8. Why did the Penguin wander off so far? The Penguin would walk 500 miles and it would walk 500 more. Just to be the bird who walked 1000 miles and fell down.
7. The penquin left Antartica because he heard Kim Kardashians butt was taken , so he went somewhere smaller. New Zeland. Ron Mt. Clemens
6. From milkmanjoe why did the penguin swim 2500 miles can you say steroids the penguin probably has a huge head too
5. Why did the penguin leave Antarctica for New Zeland.. The penguin heard that it was on the top 20 of Jim Price's nice areas. From Conor in Utica
4. The penquin wanted to find a government office to change it's name to Metta World Peace. Karl A2
3. Penguin in New Zealand? He wanted to audition for hangover 3, because he can act better than the monkey from hangover 2.
2. The penguin left because the fire that burns inside Rodney Stucky was melting the Antarctic. Joe- Northville
1. Richie D - The penguin left Antarctica as part of his rehab for the injured acl he suffered while filming "march of the penguins 2" during the penguin lockout.


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