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Karsch And Anderson Top Ten 6-13-11

How are people in Cleveland celebrating the Heat's loss?
10. BigALinTheField - how Cleveland fans r celebrating...not sure how they r celebrating, but Delonte West has been consoling Lebron's mom all nite.
9. How is Cleveland celebrating... they are declaring today as LeBron James day and everyone gets to leave work 12 minutes early. From Conor
8. By inducting Lebron into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame for being the best and biggest choke artist.
7. How is Cleveland celebrating: College kids are skipping class, because just like Lebron they don't want to show up for their finals. BP
6. From Tim in Ferndale to instant feed back fun how did the fans in cleveland celebrate the heat loss??? They decided to spend the evening with someone else's mom
5. Not sure about Cleveland but in Columbus gordan gee is just happy the mavs didn't beat him! Greg in Farmington
4. How is Cleveland celebrating? They plan on paving their roads with all the bricks Lebron threw in the finals. Terry. St. Clair Shores.
3. How is Cleaveland celebrating Lebrons's loss, the "choker" has been declared the offical piece of jewelry for the greater Cleveland area. Ron Macomb
2. Instant feedback: In Cleveland, the Heimlich Manuever will now be known as " The James Experience.Craves @ work
1. FROM: Deuce... How Cleveland is celebrating Heat loss: Fatheads is creating Lebron-doms, condoms that disappear when you need em most, Travis Henry spokesperson


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