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Karsch And Anderson Top Ten 4-28-11

How are people preparing for the NFL Draft?

10. The more liberal NFL rookies are burning their cards and heading to Canada, and the CFL. Dan in Canton
9. Instant feedback: Donald Trump is going to send his investigative team out to check birth certificates for all projected 1st rounders. Craves @ work
8. Lady ga ga is preparing for the draft by scouting all 2 way players. Chuck in the D
7. FROM: Deuce... How people are preparing for draft: Najeh Davenport is anxiously awaiting to see who the number 2 pick is
6. How people are preparing for draft: John Madden is filling out his mock draft where every team in every round takes the next Bret Favre, Bret Favre
5. What are some people doing for the draft? Lenny Dykstra is going to a draft party where clothing is optional. Tom at work
4. How certain people are preparing for the draft... SJP's son has been screaming out of excitement and actually lost his voice. He's OK now though, he's just a LITTLE HORSE. Ryan canton
3. Scott -- Prince Amukamara is playing basketball with Charlie Murphy and making pancakes.
2. Jim Price is not sure where he will be watching the NFL Draft, but he is sure it will be in a "NICE AREA" Dave
1. The Lions are cleaning and polishing their trophy case - This IS their Super Bowl isn't it?!? LEFTY IN Birmingham


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