Karsch And Anderson Top Ten 3-7-11
The Miami Heat supposedly cried after yesterday's loss to the Bulls. What else makes the Heat cry?
-Jordan: When "taking my talents to South Beach" became a new terms for taking a grumpy
-CK in Okemos: Not getting invited to the taco party outside Bill's office
-Al: Much like Gator, they cry when Doug leaves wet towels on the floor
-Telly: Josh Groban's "You Raise Me Up"
-Brett: When the ref blows the whistle and pronounces the ball "dead"
-Cory: Spilled Milk
-Jason: Baseball, even though we all know the rules about crying in baseball
-Tim in Howell Missing the play in game and a chance to go to the Dayton library...wow what a library. Lima, Huber Heights and Manfield, suck on that!
-Omar in Northville: When Harry and Lloyd let the bikini bus drive off
-Avon in Melvindale: Every time they hear watch Miami Vice