Karmanos Offers Low-Cost Cancer Screenings For Smokers
DETROIT (WWJ) - There's a new program to help current and former smokers get screened for lung cancer.
The Barbara Ann Karmanos Cancer Center is launching a Lung Cancer Screening Program for adults with a history of smoking.
The goal of the program is to help detect lung cancer early with the help of low-dose CT scans offered at a fraction of the regular cost, thanks to a private foundation grant.
WWJ Health Reporter Sean Lee spoke with Dr. Shirish Gadgeel who leads the Karmanos team running the screening program.
"The hope is that if you can screen patients who are at the highest risk of developing lung cancer you will diagnose the lung cancer at an earlier stand and you will have a much higher chance of curing the patient," Gadgeel said.
Who is Eligible for Lung Cancer Screening?
Men and women ages 55-75 who are current or former smokers and who've smoked at least one pack of cigarettes a day for 30 years. The NLST found that people in this age range with a history of smoking were most likely to benefit from this screening. (More info HERE).
What's Involved?
The screening involves three consecutive annual CT scans of the chest. The screening scans are available at the Karmanos Cancer Center Weisberg Cancer Treatment Center in Farmington Hills.
Karmanos will offer the initial lung cancer screening test for $100. Should there be a positive finding, future scans should be covered by insurance, otherwise the remaining two scans would also be charged the reduced out-of-pocket cost of $100 each.
Any abnormality found on the CT should be followed up by the patient's primary health care provider or a specialist at the Karmanos Cancer Center.
To participate in Karmanos' Lung Cancer Screening Program, call 855-527-LUNG (855-527-5864) or email lungcancerscreening@karmanos.org.