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Justin Verlander And Torii Hunter Have A Battle For Top Dressed Tiger [PHOTOS]

By: Evan Jankens

Having friendly competition is never a bad thing. And that's exactly what Justin Verlander and Torii Hunter are in. It appears it was all started by Hunter on Instagram, the battle of the best suit is now on and popping.

It all started with Torii baiting Verlander with the hash tag #lookbetterthanjustinverlanderday.

Justin of course replied to Torii, "C'mon Torii... U know I always bring my A game."

The two broke bread and sat on the plane together. You have to believe the others on the team might be a little jealous of these suits.

Torii is still trying to top Verlander every chance that he gets.

No reply from Verlander yet but you can assume these are not $100 suits.

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