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Izzo To Cavs Does Not Mean Lebron Stays

If Tom Izzo decides to leave the green and white of the Michigan State for the larger sum of green in Cleveland , do not assume that Lebron James will be there for Izzo to coach. Sources have told me that James had nothing to do with the courting of Tom Izzo and may in fact may not be enamored with the idea of not being coached by  a rookie NBA coach.  And who can blame him.  Izzo has been a great coach in East Lansing, his record speaks for itself. But, as the late Chuck Daly always said, "pro basketball and college basketball are two different sports".   Izzo and Cavs owner Dan Gilbert may think Izzo can adjust to the difference, but history suggest otherwise.

If James is making his decision based on the coach, he may be headed elsewhere.   Why would arguably the best player in basketball trust his legacy to a guy who has never coached one NBA game.

Izzo himself should wait until he gets the word that James is staying before he agrees to move to Cleveland.  Because coaching the Cavs without Lebron James is akin to coaching the Pistons and who would give up Michigan State for that.

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