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Is Memorial Day The Best Of The Big Three?

By: Bill McAllister

Not the Automotive Big Three but the holiday Big Three. That would be Memorial Day, July 4th and Labor Day. On Friday's Stoney and Bill Show we discussed which is your favorite and least favorite of the Big Three? For Stoney it was pretty obvious, I thought. His fav was Labor Day and his reason does make sense. It's the beginning of the college football season and it sort of signifies the end of summer and your last big hurrah. He also is right when he says that Labor Day is your last chance for a day off. If you don't take advantage of the time off, you're waiting until Thanksgiving to get together with friends to party and not have to worry about work the next day.


For me, Memorial Day is the best and Labor Day is my least favorite. And the reason for both goes back to my childhood. I loved the fact that late May was a sign of two things, the beginning of summer and the end of the school year. I remember Memorial Day weekend as the time people would open their pools for the summer and it was the first time you started smelling bbq's cooking burgers. (Damn it, I love this time of year!) The Indy 500 would air on Monday night (recorded from earlier that day) and then you were back to school Tuesday morning. Usually, you would finish off that week and maybe the next week and you were done! No school for the next three months!


Which brings us to why I loathe Labor Day. Not for what it represents, obviously, but for what the time of the year it represents. I don't know why I still equate these things with my youth but I do. I still get slightly bummed out around 7:00 pm on Sunday night, go figure and Labor Day meant the Jerry Lewis Telethon and back to school the following day. We would always go on vacation to Port Elgin, Canada in the last week of August and drive back the four hours to Warren, usually on Labor Day. It sucked! I would sit in the car on the way back, dreading every mile as it meant the beginning of the school year was that much closer.


So, have fun this weekend and don't be dumb and drink and drive. As for July 4th, it's positioned perfectly, right in the middle, where is exactly where it ranks with me.

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