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Keep an eye on the playscapes. High temperatures in Michigan could make them hot to touch.

High temperatures in Michigan could make playscapes hot touch
High temperatures in Michigan could make playscapes hot touch 02:00

(CBS DETROIT) — Angela Berels and her three children were seen making the most of a beautiful day outside at Brandenburg Park on Tuesday along Lake St. Clair.

A mild 70-degree day may not make the metal, slides, or swings too hot to touch, but if the temperatures reach 90, as they're expected to next week, it could become a different story.

"Normally, they know when it's hot. They know when it's too hot, too," Berels told CBS News Detroit about her kids.

She says that even on the hottest of days, they normally prefer water. But even then, she always brings the basics for her 4-, 8-, and 10-year-olds.

"Normally just sunscreen for their skin. Anything like that, but normally, when it's too hot, they want to stick with the water," says Berels.

Some tips to consider ahead of time when it comes to hot playground equipment, as provided by the Consumer Product Safety Commission, are that it doesn't have to be hot to get burned. As long as that equipment or surfacing is in direct sunlight, it's heating up.

Metal is not the only material that causes burns. Plastic coverings, rubber, and metals coated with heat-reducing paint are also at risk.

What can you do? Well, watch for dark-colored plastics and rubber. Don't assume equipment is safe. Always check the temperature of equipment and surfacing. Dress kids appropriately, and as usual, always keep an eye on your children on the playground.

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