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Harsens Island left without running water after water main break

Harsens Island left without running water after water main break
Harsens Island left without running water after water main break 00:26

(CBS DETROIT) — A water main break in Clay Township has left residents without running water on Harsens Island. 

Officials believe the break occurred in the North Channel, servicing Harsens Island, as there are no signs of a break on land. A drop in water pressure was first observed Wednesday night. 

Windy conditions have delayed divers and efforts to locate the break. An underwater drone is being used to help find the break's location. Once response teams determine the location of the break, they will then determine how to proceed with repairs. 

There are roughly 600 to 900 residents living on the island this time of year and a few businesses are open during the winter. 

Residents can pick up drinking water at the Harsens Island Fire Station on La Croix Road. A 2.5-gallon box water is available per household. 

The Harsens Island St Clair Flats Association is offering three portable toilets for anyone to use. Residents are encouraged to bring a five-gallon bucket of river water to flush the toilets. 

As a result of the water main break, Clay Township has declared a state of emergency to receive assistance from the state. 

As of 2:30 p.m. Thursday, there is no estimated timeline for when service will be restored. 

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