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Hamtramck police ask for help in tracking down suspect accused of vandalism, stealing pride flags

Police search suspect accused of stealing pride flags in Hamtramck
Police search suspect accused of stealing pride flags in Hamtramck 02:15

Police in Hamtramck, Michigan, are searching for a suspect they claim could be responsible for multiple incidents of vandalism and theft involving pride flags at a person's home.

"He walks up to the house, notices the flag, approaches," said Hamtramck Police Detective Ryan Strohauer.

Hamtramck Police Dept.

Surveillance video taken on March 9 shows a suspect, who appears to be a younger male or teenager, walking up to a home near Gallagher and Casmere in Hamtramck, snatching an LGBTQ pride flag hanging from the front porch, and then running off.

"On this particular evening, there were two reports made. After speaking further with the victim, they advised us that they had at least 20 approximately of their flags stolen in recent time," Strohauer said.

Strohauer says the incidents don't stop there. Two days later, on March 11, a person police say appears to be the same suspect, strikes again at the same house but was not lucky this time.

"The suspect is attempting to take a flag but was unsuccessful," Strohauer said.

Hamtramck Police Dept.

As of now, police have no leads other than a photo of the suspect, a young man caught on camera wearing dark clothing, a black face mask, and Air Force Ones.

"We're taking it very seriously and it's an issue that needs to be addressed and also stopped," said Strohauer.

Hamtramck Police Chief Jamiel Altaheri says his team will find out who's behind these incidents and says he's committed to making sure Hamtramck remains an inclusive community.

"We want to make sure that everyone here feels safe. Our message is really to our educators, the parents, the residents to inform, especially the youth. We believe that these individuals are young. Ya know, educate them," said Altaheri.

As the investigation continues, police encourage the public to help in any way they can.

"If you have seen or heard anything about who is possibly behind these incidents, please come forward and if you are the suspect, stop because we will find you," Strohauer said.

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