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GM Launches Chevy Cruze Small Car

"Dear Corolla, I know change is hard..."

General Motors launching it's new small car with Metro Detroit's own Tim Allen taking a direct shot at the segment leader, including an ad that talks about features the Cruze has that aren't on the Toyota Corolla. 

They provided us with two of the many commercials that Allen will voice for Chevrolet.

The commercials started running on Tuesday.  GM celebrating the ceremonial launch of the Cruze Wednesday at the company's Lordstown, Ohio Assembly Plant, which is now operating on three shifts.


(Listen to Jeff Gilbert's Interview with GM North America President Mark Reuss)

"We're bringing 1500 people into the plant.  A lot of those people were part of our prior work force.  We're excited about that," said G.M. North America President Mark Reuss, speaking to WWJ's Jeff Gilbert as he was heading to Lordstown.  "We're putting people back to work, which is really important."

The Chevrolet Cruze launches as gasoline prices remain relatively low, and consumer interest seems to be moving to larger vehicles again.  The top sellers in August were SUV's and crossovers.

"I don't think any kind of current trend is the way to look at this for small cars," said Reuss.    "Small cars, or smaller cars, are going to continue to grow in this country."  Reuss saying that new fuel economy regulations have a lot to do with that trend.  He also pointed out that the Cruze has more interior space than most other small cars.

Chevy Cruze Commercial--New Kid by Jeff Gilbert on YouTube

The Cruze, which has been on sale in other parts of the world for about a year, will arrive in dealerships in North America later this month.  It will quickly face new competition from a totally redone Ford Focus.  Chrysler is also revamping its small car lineup, and adding new products from Fiat.

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