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First Night Game At Wrigley Field With Bill Murray And Harey Caray [VIDEO]

By: Evan Jankens

The Chicago Cubs are celebrating 100 years at Wrigley Field during the 2014 season. came through with gold on their website today.

They put up a video of the broadcast from the first night game at Wrigley Field. The broadcast duo was of course Harey Caray who did the Cubs play-by-play and made the seventh inning stretch famous and is Illinois own.

The video starts with Caray handing Murray a beer saying, "and this Bud's for you, Bill Murray." When would we ever see this on a TV broadcast now? Never, that's when. The broadcast's date was 8/8/88 so that is pretty cool.

The part I find funny is that Bill Murray was saying he isn't sure about this whole nighttime baseball thing.

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