Final Effort To Save Troy Library
TROY (WWJ) - With just four days until the Troy Public Library is scheduled to close, the city is preparing for a special election that could save it. Voters are being asked to approve a millage of point-seven mills for five years.
Frank Houston, spokesman for "Save Troy," says they're holding a "Save Troy Library" rally and read-in, Monday, to draw attention to Tuesday's vote.
"To make sure people are aware that our library is scheduled to close Aug. 5th., and that there is a vote tomorrow, Tuesday August 2nd, and it's the last chance for the community to figure out a way to pay for the library," said Houston.
Houston said he hasn't met anyone who wants the library to close, and voting "yes" is the only way to keep it open.
"What the 'Save Troy' proposal, that's on the ballot Tuesday, does is make sure that there's a dedicated millage, a small millage -- point-seven mills -- to fund the library. So, even with this millage, the library will still take some cuts, but it won't be as bad," he said.
Houston said, with the drop in property values, no one's taxes should go up if the millage passes.
The polls in Troy will be open Tuesday from 7 a.m. until 8 p.m..