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Female Rugby Player Crushes Defender [VIDEO]

By: Evan Jankens

Whoever chooses to play rugby is crazy in my eyes.

Why would anyone choose to basically play football without any pads and what seems to be even fewer rules?

The post on Facebook was labeled, "BOOM! Women's Rugby hit of the year? Yup, this is it." I had to click on the video and it is in fact the hit of the year and there might not have been a better one in the NFL.

Not only did the ball carrier lay a massive hit on the defender, but she also managed to throw the lateral (it's called offload in rugby).

I don't know about you, but when I use to play backyard football I did my best to stay away from the biggest kid on the field. You have to get all the credit in the world to the defender who tried to make the tackle.

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